Attention, crewmen! All hands on...deck. Selena Adams has come on board for an inspection. A salute is in order for this stacked br Everything looks shipshape, especially beautiful Selena and her beguiling breasts. But take care. Distracted sailors who look too long at her bounteous high beams and buff body have fallen br Selena takes over the boat and puts on a show. The crew raises the flag in her honor. There will be no mutiny on this boat, thanks to Selenas buoyant moves and bountiful bust. Shes the bonny br As weve written before, even though SCORE is based in south Florida, few iSCOREi girls have been locals. With her sex appeal, looks, talent and big tits, Selena Adams may be the ultimate Miami iSCOREi Girl.
Rating: -% (0 ratings)
Duration: 2:00
Views: 2187
Date Added: May 02, 2020