Jewel walks downstairs to wake up her grandson, who was out partying the night before and is going to be late to work. But when she walks by her grandsons bedroom, she finds his friend jacking off. She either cant believe hes jacking off or cant believe the size of his cock. She starts touching herself then decides to walk in on him. He doesnt stop jacking his cock even while shes talking to him. br br Im sorry, Jimmy says. It just feels so br Shes heard that br Its quite odd, sitting here jacking your cock, 67-year-old Jewel br Im sorry, Jimmy br Wouldnt need any help with that, would you?br br I was thinking about you in this morning, Jimmy br Maybe I can help you with that, Jewel says. What do you think?br br He thinks its a good idea. She compliments him on his cock. He compliments her on her tits. Hes fantasized about fucking her, and now shes going to make those fantasies come br My grandson does not need to know everything I do, she says before she goes down on his dick and starts sucking br And before long, this Southern belle, one of the most-popular wives and grannies ever, is sucking his dick and getting fucked. And then Jimmys cumming all over her pretty br Question What do you want to see Jewel do next anal is not on the menu, by the way. Got any favorite Jewel scenarios? Have you ever fucked your friends mother or grandmother? If so, tell us what happened.
Rating: 100% (3 ratings)
Duration: 2:00
Views: 7522
Date Added: Dec 16, 2016