This kind of thing happens all the time A guy is working in a health club. Thinking theres nobody in the womens locker room, he goes inside to make sure there are enough towels. But, sure enough, there is somebody in there.What are you doing in the girls locker room? 63-year-old Jacqueline says.I didnt hear anybody in here, Juan says.Youre not gonna be here when I shower, are you? Jacqueline asks.Im leaving, Juan says. He seems really bent out of shape. Is he going to get fired for this obvious breach of health-club etiquette? Well, thats too bad, Jacqueline says, because I could really use you to wash my back. Wash her back? Then why is Jacqueline stroking his cock through his pants? Whats that all about? I want to fuck you right on this bench, Jacqueline says.Hey, what happened to the shower? Hey, that can come later. Jacquelines gonna have to wash the cum off her face eventually.
Rating: 100% (10 ratings)
Duration: 2:00
Views: 13813
Date Added: Nov 18, 2015