In the cleavage-crowded conclusion to the iSCOREi movie Pounding The Pledges, Giannas pledges April McKenzie, Sabina Leigh, Panther and Tera Cox have made it through their horny assignments and br To celebrate their victory, Gianna throws an orgy during graduation so all the pledges can get fucked and invites all of the campus studs over to Omega Boobs. She is truly a generous sorority president. As the dirty-mouthed, hypersexual mistress of ceremonies, Gianna revels in her moment of triumph. She has accomplished her mission of rebuilding Omega Boobs with the best bra-busters at the br Omega Boobs rules!
Rating: 100% (3 ratings)
Duration: 2:00
Views: 9988
Date Added: Dec 25, 2014