Whats going to happen right now? Im hoping Im going to get the fucking of a lifetime, says Cara Reid, a 60-year-old wife, mother and grandmother from Texas whos fucking on-video for the first time. Ive never done this before, but theres a little wild side in me that says, Girl, you can do this, and were going to have fun with it.br br She had some emotional support Her husband was sitting just six feet away, watching her suck and fuck a guy shed met, well, about an hour or two earlier.br br Thats something that definitely wouldnt have happened, say, 16 or 17 years ago.br br I lived a very sheltered life until 15 years ago, when I met my second husband, Cara said. A Southern upbringing with Bible, church, things like that. As I grew up, I could feel things inside, but society says, Ladies dont do those kinds of things. I was raised like that.br br Then she met her second husband.br br He introduced me to adventurous things like skydiving, SCUBA, riding motorcycles, but then the more sexual side starting coming out, and he brought up being with another lady. So we did it, and it worked out very well.br br They became swingers eight years ago. And that lifestyle probably would have been wild enough for Cara. But then, she met 60Plus MILF Sally DAngelo. At first, Cara didnt know that Sally was a 60Plus MILF. They were biker friends. They rode motorcycles together. But then Sally told Cara about 60PlusMILFs.com, and Cara said, Im in!br br Now, we dont know how you feel about destiny, but what are the odds of two cock-loving women like Cara and Sally, one who lives in Texas and one who lives in Florida Sally, meeting up totally by chance?br br Sometimes, you just get lucky.
Rating: 100% (5 ratings)
Duration: 2:00
Views: 21058
Date Added: Apr 19, 2014