Its still a miracle that the water didnt turn into steam in the video portion of Veneras shower show. This living Venus came along at the right time to become one of the top 20 of all-time SCORE Girls as voted by readers and br I like to be on top when I have sex because then the man has a chance to play with my boobs a lot. When hes playing with them, I like it when my nipples are sucked. Sometimes I like it when hes biting them. Soft. Just a little nibble so I can feel it. He is facing me and I like to slap his face with my breasts. Make him red. I love to do that! The best position for me to cum is on top. Thats how I get my orgasms. He is fucking me and sucking or biting my nipples. Thats how I br And thats how Venera rolls.
Rating: 92% (50 ratings)
Duration: 2:00
Views: 73391
Date Added: Apr 16, 2013