Oh, I just love your cock, 55-year-old first-timer Moreen Helm says at the opening of this scene. I know youre going to fuck me hard. I just cant get enough. Your cock is all I like.br br Isnt that nice? Isnt it wonderful that women can get away with that kind of talk? Imagine if you said to a woman,Oh, I just love your pussy. Your pussy is all I like? Shed slap you across the face? Shed say, You dont like me for me? or some kind of shit like that. But Moreen says, Your cock is all I like and within seconds, she has that cock in her mouth. Because we guys...we dont have egos when it comes to stuff like that. If a MILF like Moreen wants to suck our cock down to the root and wants nothing else from us, thats fine.br br But heres the thing Moreen does want something else.br She wants that cock in her pussy. And she especially wants it in her ass. And she gets it.br br So, this divorcee from Southern California--a woman who says shes into bowling and basketball and loves the Lakers and would likely open right up if Kobe Bryant said he wanted to fuck her ass, shows us that what women want, women get. Of course, sometimes, we men get what we want, too. We want to see Moreen in sloppy, messy ass sex. And we get it.
Rating: 100% (3 ratings)
Duration: 2:00
Views: 5282
Date Added: Nov 29, 2012