You know how much it used to suck to go down to the school nurse? First of all, they never seemed to know what they were doing. Theyd just take your temperature and send you back to class. Second, the school nurses were all big, square women who looked like theyd never had any cock in their lives.brbr Obviously, things have changed. Elle Denay, a 50-year-old from Austin, Texas, is the nurse in this school, and from the looks of her, were guessing a lot of male students are making believe theyre sick. When this scene opens, theres a young dude sitting in a chair, looking like hes been on the wrong end of a fight. Elle says to somebody on the phone, Im gonna take care of him.brbr Well, the more Elle takes care of him, the more turned-on she gets, and the better he feels. Before long, hes grabbing her ass and sucking on her tits, and then she gets down on her knees and sucks his big dick. Yeah, for a young guy, he has a big schlong.brbr The climax of this scene comes later on, when Elle is bouncing up and down on his cock while fingering her ass.brbr Do you want me to put it in your ass? the student asks. Do you want me to fuck your ass?brbr Watch the video and find out if Elle is a good nurse or a very bad nurse.
Rating: 100% (11 ratings)
Duration: 2:00
Views: 25053
Date Added: Oct 10, 2011