Heres the deal For most women, appearing on is a one-time thing. If were gonna have you back, youre gonna have to do something special. Well, heres Persia Monir, the 50-year-old hottie whos making her second appearance at And, yeah, shes doing something special Her first anal scene ever!brbr After watching Persias pussy get pounded by a giant cock in her first appearance, we kinda thought she had it-ahem-in her. And we know shes up for a challenge. So when we asked her if she was interested in popping her anal cherry on camera, she thought about it for a few seconds, then said, Hell, yeah! Why not?brbr So here we go. First, we have todays interview, in which Persia talks about, among other things, getting ready for her first anal scene and some of the unusual places where shes been fucking. She also gives us some golf tips because, if you didnt know it, Persia is a professional golfer. And remember the first rule when playing with Persia Put it in the hole! Of course, now youll have a choice of holes.
Rating: 100% (10 ratings)
Duration: 2:00
Views: 25164
Date Added: Oct 10, 2011