Several months ago, S.D., a 40Something magazine reader from Maryland wrote, On The Learning Channel, they had a program called Strange Sex, and one episode was on cougars and featured a 70something cougar from New York named Hattie. How about trying to get her to pose for your magazine?br br As it turned out, Hattie was Holistically Hattie, a 74-year-old divorcee from New York who had also appeared on Howard Sterns SiriusXM satellite radio show. When she was 52, Hattie had won first prize in an over-50 bathing suit beauty contest at New York Citys famed Roseland ballroom. And shes a sex coach and author of the books Sex And The Single Senior and Retro Age. And shes a self-described cougar who only has sex with much-younger men. And she has her own Wikipedia br So, Hattie had achieved a certain amount of fame partly because her encounter with Howard Stern was a bit contentious at first with Howard referring to her-before he laid eyes on her-as an old bag. But she had never posed naked for any magazine or website. Would she get naked for us?br br Well, the answer was, Sure! No, Hattie didnt have sex on camera. But in this weeks postings todays video interview, Wednesdays sexy photos and Fridays sex tips, Hattie proves, once again, that sexuality has no age br So enjoy Hattie. You might jack. Youll definitely learn
Rating: 73% (189 ratings)
Duration: 2:00
Views: 249806
Date Added: Oct 10, 2011