Men have been coming and going from Jackies apartment at all hours of the day and night. The other day, somebody slipped on a used condom outside her apartment. And the noises coming from her bedroom...well, clearly, somebodys having a very good time, but the neighbors arent getting any br So Mr. Super knocks on the door, and Jackie answers wearing her most fashionable and slutty apartment-house hooker outfit. Hes been getting complaints. Is Jackie turning tricks from her apartment? What in the world would give him that idea?br br At this point, Jackie need to think quick and act fast. How can she keep from getting thrown out of her apartment? By offering up a freebie, thats how. So Mr. Super gets the full blow job and fuck package. And the neighbors? Theyre gonna get an explanation like, Ms. Jackie has a very large br Yeah, theyll believe that.
Rating: 100% (4 ratings)
Duration: 2:00
Views: 4087
Date Added: Oct 10, 2011