Some things in life are inevitable -- water is wet fire is hot and Francesca Le gives the kind of blowjob that should require a permission slip from your heart doctor. Weve been waiting begging and pleading for this scene and its finally here! Francesca Le is the MILF of all MILFs. If there was a MILF hall of fame shed be in it -- posed and remembered forever with a dick in her mouth. Francesca really knows how to pour it on entering the room with a sexy saunter and quickly peeling out of her office lady attire to reveal lacy lingerie and a body made for steady fucking. She immediately grabs our guys cock and doesnt let go for the next 30 minutes. Its in her mouth its in her hands its between her boobs...its everywhere you want to be.Francesca Le is la MILF deluxe!Monique
Rating: 100% (7 ratings)
Duration: 3:24
Views: 14758
Date Added: Oct 04, 2011