The best thing about our younger Throated initiates is that they really go for the gusto. Cameron Love just turned 18 and shes spent the last couple of years sucking a lot of dick in preparation for this very day. So by the time we showed her the cock she was ready and willing. She didnt say one word -- just open mouth insert meat. You can tell when a girl gets a mouthful of her first big cock because she just wont stop sucking. Camerons mouth moves a mile a minute as she tries to get as much of his cock in her mouth as she can. Cameron wont be on our list of girls who can suck the deepest but shes definitely on the short list of girls who love BIG cock the most!She fell in love with the cock and youll fall in love with her!Monique
Rating: 100% (4 ratings)
Duration: 4:26
Views: 2552
Date Added: Oct 04, 2011