What do you see when you look at me? 40-year-old Casca Akashova asks.br br Well, we see a beautiful, blonde MILF with big tits. Is that okay?br br Are you desiring me right now? she asks. What is it that makes you desire me?br br Hmmm...kinda thought we already answered that question.br br Before long, Cascas tits come out and then her pussy, which we also desire, comes out, too, and Cascas fingers go deep inside. Casca is obviously desiring something, too, because she cums hard and loud.br br i40Somethingi What do you do for a guy to make him feel special?br br bCasca I have learned that the same thing doesnt work for everyone. You have to get to know the person and work out what they like or dislike. Listen to them and care. Doing things like that makes someone feel special in or out of bed. The same goes for me. Communication is key. No one comes with a big sign that says, Do this for me. Thats the beauty of it, connecting with that person.bbr br i40Somethingi How should a man approach you?br br bCasca Be straightforward and confident. Never cocky and rude. Eye contact, respect and smiling are very important. A guy should always be genuine in his compliments.bbr br i40Somethingi What satisfies you sexually?br br bCasca What satisfies me is someone who listens to me and my body. Someone who pays attention.bbr br i40Somethingi Do you dress to show off your body?br br bCasca Sometimes I dress to emphasize my breasts and other times I dont. It depends on where I am and if Im with someone. Sometimes Im aware of someone paying attention to my breasts, but whether or not I am, I just carry on normally.bbr br Yeah. Meanwhile, the rest of us are walking into poles and crashing our cars.
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Duration: 2:00
Views: 971
Date Added: Oct 20, 2021