iSCOREis studio manager spends a few moments chatting with new iSCOREi Girl and readers wife Shelby Gibson in this Bonus video shot on-location. Super-slim, beautiful, trim and stacked, Shelby reminded the veterans here of the classic iSCOREi-Girl look of the Big br Shelby loves art, loves to paint and work out. Her husband encouraged her to model. Shelby was going to send in her at-home pictures five years ago and almost did after taking them at home but she changed her mind, not feeling she was ready for this step. Now, five years later, Shelby is ready! And how!br br Some things take time, cant be rushed and are worth waiting br Thank you, new iSCOREi babe, Shelby Gibson.
Rating: 67% (3 ratings)
Duration: 2:00
Views: 14307
Date Added: Oct 12, 2014