Shane DuPlae, a 51-year-old from Northern Minnesota, is here to get fucked in her tight little ass, but before she does, shes going to take us on a video tour of her body. First, we get to see her tight stomach. Then, we get to see her pussy.brbr It has its own unique attributes, she says. I have a rather large clit, and I have it pierced. The way its positioned, it sits on the most sensitive part of my clit. When I was younger, I was real self-conscious about the size of my clit, and I decided if I cant do anything about it, adorn it.brbr These days, Shana isnt self-conscious about anything. Shes a dominatrix, and when Juan, her stud for the day, comes onto the set, she takes complete command, telling Juan exactly how to eat her pussy, then how to worship her ass. And because Juans been such a good boy, she sucks his cock and balls. Havent you always wondered how a dominatrix sucks cock and balls?brbr As you can tell, this interview is more than an interview. But, hey, youre at What did you expect?
Rating: 100% (15 ratings)
Duration: 2:00
Views: 19381
Date Added: Oct 10, 2011