Lola Lee, 66, is in bed, wearing red lingerie and stockings and rubbing herself.brbr Im so horny tonight, she says. Im so lonely.brbr What? Lola Lee lonely? How can that be?brbr I wish I had a big, black cock to take care of me, she said. Her legs are spread, her pussy is ready, but theres no guy in the room. She falls asleep. Cut to Wizard of Oz music no, not really. She fantasizes about a guy showing up. Its Lucas with his big, black cock, and Lola gets right to work on it.brbr Oh, this is wonderful, she says as she rubs his slab of trouser meat against her face. So pretty. Pretty? So big. Cant argue with that.brbr If youve seen Lola Lee, you already know why shes one of the most popular MILFs ever. If you havent seen her, youre about to find out. Watch Lola get fucked hard. Very hard. Yep, shes 66.
Rating: 100% (6 ratings)
Duration: 2:00
Views: 6053
Date Added: Oct 10, 2011