Who says ya dont need a little chocolate now and then? We all need a nice shiny black booty every once in a while right? So Jada Fire with all that junk in her trunk is the next ass to get meated!! This world-class dirty-talkin whore delivers every nasty defilement of flesh that we could fit into the time allotted!! And this is all DVD-quality viewing here guys!! Kurt Lockwood who plays the part of White Boy makes Jada Fire squirt her famous stream of juices only minutes into the scene!! This is one big adventure of foot-fucking ass-licking finger-fucking fun!! And then youve got all the pussy-plundering tittie-slapping ass-ravaging sex that you have cum to expect from Miss Jada Fire!!! I hope you all can take away as many useful expressions as I have like Lick this black ass you fuckin white boy LICK IT! and Keep fucking it like that Oh My God! YES!!! and Oh this dick so good you like it all wet and gooey? Wet and gooey little asshole you like it like that huh? WoW!!! Now Neecie is all wet in the panties...Im going to go grab a few vibrators a couple of dildos and probably some anal beads sit back in my Deep Throaters Chair and masturbate to Choc-o-late!!! A girls favorite food ya know! Dont bother me for the next few hours unless you want to see your cock end up in one of my horny holes!....Okay???Gone Cock Crazy - Be Back LaterNeecie
Rating: 100% (1 ratings)
Duration: 3:43
Views: 7736
Date Added: Oct 04, 2011